Clerio Vision – Clerio Vision developing non-invasive laser vision correction

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Clerio Vision – Clerio Vision developing non-invasive laser vision correction

Closely-held Clerio Vision hopes to begin proof-of-concept studies next year of a non-invasive, incision-less and tissue sparing vision correction laser technology that modifies the refractive index of the cornea.

“Our goal is a lunch time laser correction procedure that removes both the fear and potential risks of surgical intervention,” CEO, Mikael Totterman, says in an interview with

“This procedure can correct near- or far-sightedness, and since it does not remove any tissue, it can also be used to adjust other more invasive treatments such as cataract or LASIK surgeries,” he adds.

Laser surgery, such as LASIK, changes focusing power by changing the shape of the cornea using a laser to ablate and remove tissue layers in what’s known as a “flap and zap” procedure.

“What we do is dramatically different,” Mr. Totterman explains. “Our LIRIC (laser induced refractive index change) treatment alters the internal optics of the cornea, without cutting or removing tissue, to change the focusing power of the cornea. Since there is no flap cutting or ablation of tissue, LIRIC has much less potential for side effects associated with corneal flap such as dry eye, inflammation and infections.”

According to Mr. Totterman, 70% of adults in the U.S. require vision correction and more than 40% consider LASIK surgery but are either ineligible or afraid of eye surgery. Currently, there are some 700,000 LASIK procedures a year done in the U.S., representing only 2% of eligible patients.


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